​Entrepreneurs forge links | Phnom Penh Post

Entrepreneurs forge links


Publication date
02 February 2017 | 08:34 ICT

Reporter : Hor Kimsay

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Representatives of young entrepreneur associations in Cambodia and Japan signed a partnership agreement yesterday aimed at enhancing commerce activities in the two countries through exchange visits and business matchmaking sessions.

Cooperation was outlined in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by Sok Piseth, president of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia (YEAC) and Koji Okamura, chairman of Japan’s Young Entrepreneurs Group (YEG). YEAC represents 140 Cambodian members, while YEG comprises over 30,000 young Japanese entrepreneurs.

Following the signing, Piseth said a delegation of 15 YEAC members would travel to Japan in May for a business matchmaking mission brokered by a YEG representative.

“We will have a good facilitator who will guide us to the right place and right businesses that we prefer,” said Piseth. “For instance, if we are interested in the agriculture business, they will guide us and match us with suitable potential partners.”

He added that YEAC would play a similar role in facilitating the visits of YEG delegations to Cambodia.

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