​Beggars purged: Kids picked up, released in city sweep | Phnom Penh Post

Beggars purged: Kids picked up, released in city sweep


Publication date
07 August 2014 | 07:59 ICT

Reporter : Sen David and Alice Cuddy

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Seven children rounded up this week as part of City Hall’s ongoing efforts to rid the capital of homeless, beggars and street sellers were returned to their families just hours after being put into an NGO’s care.

Pin Sarapich, program director at Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE), said the children who were rounded up on Monday and taken to the NGO on Tuesday afternoon were back at home by that evening.

“They have families, we don’t keep kids [with] families,” he said, adding that PSE planned to offer the children support as they continued to do for 13 others rounded up in June.

City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche said another street sweep would be launched after the needs of those found Monday were assessed.

In June, the Post found many of the people picked up were taken to the notorious Prey Speu Social Affairs Centre.

Yesterday, a centre staff member said that since that was revealed, no one has been brought to the facility.

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