​CNRP set to ‘reshuffle lawmakers’: officials | Phnom Penh Post

CNRP set to ‘reshuffle lawmakers’: officials


Publication date
09 January 2015 | 09:01 ICT

Reporter : Taing Vida

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CNRP lawmaker Mu Sochua waits in line at a Battambang voting station during the national elections in 2013.

The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party is about to undergo a significant reshuffle of elected members, according to party sources.

But a CNRP lawmaker said talk of a reshuffle was little more than a rumour.

According to a senior party official, who asked not to be named, several elected lawmakers will change jobs, leaving their constituents without the representatives who campaigned for their votes.

The move has caused friction in the party with several CNRP members unhappy with the decision, the source said.

Takeo province MP Pol Ham would move to a seat in Kampong Thom; Banteay Meanchey lawmaker Long Ry would switch to Kampong Cham province; while Ky Vannara will move from his seat in Kampong Chhnang to take Ry’s place. CNRP public affairs chief Mu Sochua would move from Battambang to fill Vannara’s vacated seat.

In Siem Reap province, Keo Sovannarath will move to Kampong Speu province, while Chulong Somura will leave her Phnom Penh constituency for Ham’s current position in Takeo. Real Camerin, who headed the party in Svay Rieng province, will be replaced by Ou Chanrith and no longer hold a seat in parliament.

Ham confirmed that a reshuffle would take place, adding that as it was not yet official policy, he could not comment on the specific changes planned.

But Sochua said the media coverage was based on “rumours” and that no decision had been made yet.

Real Camerin said that while he had not received official notification, he had “only been told by the party leader”.

Sok Touch, an independent political analyst, criticised the proposed changes. The reshuffle “is not based on a democratic path, because the changes were not voted on, they will be appointments”, he said.

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