​KRT’s high chamber denies Nuon Chea’s request | Phnom Penh Post

KRT’s high chamber denies Nuon Chea’s request


Publication date
14 January 2015 | 08:21 ICT

Reporter : Shaun Turton

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The Supreme Court Chamber (SCC) of the Khmer Rouge tribunal on Monday quashed a request from the Nuon Chea defence to file an addendum to its appeal against its client’s life sentence for crimes against humanity.

The proposed addendum was to take into account a panel’s still-unreleased reasoning for dismissing the team’s motion to disqualify trial chamber judges. The SCC, however, found that since the decision relates to Case 002/02 and not the appeal, “it is first and foremost within [Case 002/02] that the defence must put forward its complaints”.

Meanwhile, Khmer Rouge tribunal co-prosecutors have called Khieu Samphan’s appeal “defective”, citing inconsistencies between it and an earlier document.

Samphan defender Kong Sam Onn said yesterday the inconsistencies were a misunderstanding, but noted that Case 002/02 could be further delayed, as his currently hospitalised client may be unable to return to court for scheduled hearings on Thursday.

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