​Prime minister calls for increased flood aid | Phnom Penh Post

Prime minister calls for increased flood aid


Publication date
26 September 2013 | 10:18 ICT

Reporter : Sen David

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In response to the ongoing flooding that has taken 25 Cambodians’ lives, Prime Minister Hun Sen asked for an increased emergency response during his first cabinet meeting.

After calling on officials to assure each area of evacuation has food, medical and health supplies, the premier suggested that damaged rice crop be replaced and that residents willingly evacuate if necessary.

“I appeal to the residents to be careful and stay safe during the flooding, and residents who live along the river bank in danger of collapsing need to temporarily evacuate for safety reasons,” he said.

He also suggested that a group of doctors be sent to assist victims. The Ministry of Health has already sent 12 doctors to Kratie, one of the three hardest-hit provinces.

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