​Religion 'not the cause' of Christian building's burning | Phnom Penh Post

Religion 'not the cause' of Christian building's burning


Publication date
05 May 2006 | 07:00 ICT

Reporter : Vong Sokheng and Mandy Smith

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Pa Sami amid the remains of the Wesleyan Christian building that a mob burned down in Boeng Krum Commune in Kandal Province.


eligion was not the cause of a 300-strong Buddhist mob's attack on an unfinished

Christian church, a government official said on Wednesday.

"The dispute between the Buddhist villagers and the Christians was not a religious

war," said Khon Dara, deputy director of the Ministry of Cults and Religious


The destruction of the Wesleyan-owned building in Boeng Krum Commune, Lvea Em District

in Kandal Province by a "Buddhist mob" on April 28 should not be considered

a result of religious tensions; it was merely a violent eruption of internal village

politics, Dara said.

"A verbal dispute had been going on for many years between the villagers,"

he said. "This was what led to violence."

Religious persecution is rare in Cambodia, said David Manfred, Christian and Missionary

Alliance country director, as "in most parts of Cambodia there is religious

freedom and people are able to practice their faith."

But Christianity is "new and unfamiliar to Cambodian culture and traditions,"

he explained, which could cause "misunderstandings" within multi-faith


This could create "isolated locations and situations where, for a variety of

reasons, Christians suffer persecution," he said.

About 95 percent of Cambodians are Buddhist, but Catholic, Protestant, and other

Christian sects also exist, Dara said, but "generally there is no tension between


In the case of the April 28 attack, local Christians argued that village dwellers'

religious affiliations were manipulated by secular locals to suit their own ends.

"Several laymen, who were not happy with the Christians, bought wine for teenagers

in the village to drink" said Pa Sami, a member of the village's Christian community.

"They incited those teenagers to lead the protest and encouraged them to burn

down our house."

Van Sotha, clerk for the commune chief, told the Post on May 3 that the attack was

unprecedented in the commune. The villagers had always been tolerant of other faiths,

she said, but construction of a second church just 700 meters from the commune's

only Buddhist pagoda, and the disregard of local opposition to the building, caused

simmering village tensions to erupt along religious faultlines.

"The villagers warned the Christians not to construct the building near the

Buddhist pagoda," she said. "There is one Buddhist pagoda in the commune.

Locals questioned why the Christian religion should have more than one place of worship."

(The Post understands the other place of worship in the village is used by a different

Christian sect.)

The construction of the new church building polarized tension in the village into

faith-based camps. But the swift resolution of the dispute - without any recourse

to legal wrangling - demonstrates that for both the Buddhist and Christian members

of the community, it was always a local argument, not the beginning of a religious

crusade, Sotha said.

"Both sides made a mistake," she said. "The Christians decided not

to file a complaint against the protesters and did not ask for compensation for their


Some villagers swiftly repented their hot-tempered actions, said Sami, and came to

the Christian community to apologize and seek forgiveness. The two sides were able

to resolve the problem amicably.

"They said they had misunderstood the situation and agreed we should stop arguing,"

she said. "We agreed not to ask for compensation, nor to punish them."

Moreover, many Buddhists in the village had no sympathy for the mob's actions. A

village man, who declined to be named for fear of reprisals, said he refused to participate

in the protest as it was contrary to Buddhist philosophy.

"Some mob members were drunk; Buddhists are not allowed to drink," he said.

"It is a bad deed to tear down and set fire to any house. Many Buddhist people

in our commune are not happy with the actions of those people."

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