​Stung Treng vendors want market to be restored as it was | Phnom Penh Post

Stung Treng vendors want market to be restored as it was


Publication date
29 April 2016 | 06:29 ICT

Reporter : Sen David

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Soldiers help with the reconstruction of Stung Treng market earlier this month. Photo supplied

More than 100 vendors in Stung Treng yesterday expressed concern that the location of their stalls would change after the town’s fire-damaged market is rebuilt by provincial authorities.

Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to rebuild the market in the provincial capital, which was damaged by a fire before Khmer New Year, but the vendors are not confident that they will get to keep their old spots.

They also asked why the new market will have 1,320 stalls instead of the 1,220 that the old one had.

Men Kong, a spokesman for Stung Treng Provincial Hall, said the authority met with vendors about the plan yesterday and said that, eventually, “the authority will release 3D planning” for approval.

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