​Unionists questioned over Agile protest role | Phnom Penh Post

Unionists questioned over Agile protest role


Publication date
01 March 2016 | 07:14 ICT

Reporter : Mech Dara

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Pav Sina, president of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers, talks to the media during a press conference in Phnom Penh in January.

The Kampong Speu Provincial Court yesterday questioned union leader Pav Sina and his deputy over their alleged involvement in a protest at the Agile Sweater garment factory, where members of Sina’s union, who were backing protesting employees, were attacked in January – allegedly by a pro-management union.

Investigating judge Men Vannak said yesterday he had questioned Sina – head of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers – and his deputy Suth Chet, who also claims to have been attacked before his arrest.

According to the provincial court summons, Sina and Chet face accusations of “incitement to commit a crime, intentional [property] damage, not respecting a court decision and intentional violence”.

Yesterday, Vannak said the two “denied all the prosecutor’s charges”, adding that the case was “still under investigation”. Sina and his lawyer could not be reached yesterday.

Five other CUMW activists were arrested on the day of the attack, at which Sina was not present. The five were bailed out six days later, but still face charges.

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