Plantation Urban Resort & Spa is delighted to announce that it will be hosting the vibrant and uplifting works of Stéphane Delaprée in an exhibition this October and November.

Widely known as Stef, Delaprée is known for his distinctive “Happy Painting” style, a blend of childlike wonder and profound artistic insight, which has become a hallmark of the Cambodian art scene, according to a September 19 press release from the resort. 

“When Alexander, the GM of Plantation, contacted me a few weeks ago, I was delighted, as the place has a certain charm,” says the long-term local resident.

“This exhibition will showcase some old and some new artworks linked with the theme of ‘Cambodia’, which has always been dear to my heart, à la ‘happy painting’,” he tells The Post

“I will show Cambodia from the very beginning of this century,” he adds.

Artist Stéphane Delaprée, known as ‘Stef’, believes art can combat the prevailing global doom. Supplied

According to the exhibition’s organisers, Delaprée’s art goes beyond mere visual appeal, offering a therapeutic escape through its vivid colors and positive themes. Described as “feel-good” art, his paintings are known for their ability to evoke happiness and optimism, serving as a remedy for everyday stress and negativity.

“I believe that the world is in need of positivism and happiness, the same here as elsewhere. This includes art, cinema, novels, songs and paintings that are easy to decode, to combat the prevailing global gloom. This is what I have been trying, despite my poor means, to tackle with all my heart for several decades. A little hope can’t hurt,” explains the artist.

Originally from France and raised in Canada, Delaprée began his career in the comic strip industry. His fascination with childlike creativity began after visiting a Crayola children’s painting exhibition in New York, in 1992.

This inspiration led him to develop his signature style, which gained significant recognition in Costa Rica before he settled in Cambodia. His artwork, reflecting the country’s spirit and daily life, earned him accolades, including recognition from the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk in 1995 and a "Gold Status" award from the Ministry of Tourism in 2008.

His pieces, celebrated for their vibrant, playful interpretations of life, have garnered international acclaim and are part of prestigious collections worldwide. The exhibition will run from October 1 to November 20, with free admission daily.

The artist notes that being too large for the venue, several two by five metre works are also on display at Phnom Penh’s Genius Resort.

Plantation is known for its support of the local art scene, offering a platform to both established and emerging artists. This exhibition continues that tradition, inviting both long-time admirers and new viewers to discover the joy and simplicity of Delaprée’s “Happy Paintings”.