Applications are now open for the Cambodia Digital Awards 2022 (CDA22), which recognise the best of the Kingdom’s digital innovations.

The awards are in their eighth year of honouring institutions and entrepreneurs for the original adoption of digital technology and innovation.

A total of 48 million riel (around $12,000) will be given to the winners across six categories such as “Best Digital Government Service of the Year”; “Best Digital Innovation Organisation”; “Best Social Innovation Technology”; Best Digital Content”; “Best Digital R&D”; and “Best Digital Startup”.

The Cambodia Digital Awards 2022 are organised by the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), and co-sponsored by Smart Axiata and Huawei Cambodia, with support from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

Providing opportunities for ministries, public institutions, enterprises, digital start-ups, universities, research institutions and NGOs, applications for the Cambodia Digital Awards 2022 are open until September 23.

Students can also apply if their work falls under “Digital R&D”.

The largest national awards in the Kingdom supporting innovation, entrepreneurship and digital business in response to global trends in technological advancement, the Cambodian Digital Awards are based on four main objectives.

The first is the recognition of the achievements, innovations and successes in the Cambodian digital sector.

The second is to encourage public institutions, start-ups and private organisations to adopt digital technology and innovation, while the third is to raise awareness of digital technology among the public.

Finally, the awards aim to showcase the achievements and successes in digital innovation with investment opportunities and to represent Cambodia at regional and international digital awards.

The semifinals will be evaluated by the awards committee on October 14, 2022, with the final on October 28.

The awards presentation will be held on November 25.

Be Chantra, Director Digital Innovation Center of Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology told The Post that regarding evaluation, the committee will focus on four key areas – Tech Innovation; Problem Solving; Efficiency of Operation; and Marketing Strategy.

Tech Innovation is the creation of something with a new method using technology, bringing innovation into business activities that save time and money by giving competitive advantages to business development.

Problem Solving refers to new discoveries that use digital technology to solve specific problems more effectively than ever, saving time, money and other resources.

Efficiency of Operation is the ability of enterprises, companies or institutions to distribute products or provide services to its customers efficiently at the lowest cost possible, while still ensuring high quality products, services and support.

Marketing Strategy is any activity that a company or business adopts to attract customers and build good relationships with them to link production and services with clients to earn revenue.

Chantra said that while an institution or company may have the qualifications to participate in the Cambodia Digital Awards 2022, certain conditions must be met.

“Eligible applicants are ministries, public institutions, enterprises, companies and organisations that are registered and have a valid licence in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

“The company owner must be a Cambodian or a permanent resident in the Kingdom. Products must be patented by the company or institution, and created or developed using at least 51 per cent Cambodian resources.

“Digital startups applying must be less than three years old from the date of official incorporation. Bankrupt companies are not allowed to participate,” Chantra said.

The Cambodia Digital Awards have been renamed from the Cambodia ICT Awards (CICTA).

Last year’s winners were the Sub-Committee for Rapid Response and Investigation into Persons with Covid-19 in the Best Digital Government Service of the Year category for the “Stop Covid” QR code.

PillTech Solutions Co won Best Digital Startup of the Year with the “PillTech Ordering Platform & PillTech Pharmacy Point of Sale”.

Best Social Innovation Technology went to E-School Cambodia for the “MoEYS App”.

The winner in the Best Digital R&D category was ArrowDot for the “Emergency Low-Cost Ventilator”.

Sastra Media Co Ltd won Best Digital Content for the “Sastra Film App”, while Vireak Buntham Express Co Ltd was awarded Best Digital Innovation Organisation with the “VET Food and Fruit Crisis Response’’.