The General Department of Taxation (GDT) has appealed to all Cambodian motor vehicle dealers to register their vehicles and fulfil their tax obligations, in order to promote the spirit of fair competition and tax compliance.

The call was made during a June 21 meeting, held to discuss the provision of tax services to motor vehicle dealers. The meeting was co-chaired by the GDT’s deputy director Ken Sambath and deputy director-general Heng Soknang.

The meeting brought together officials from several district tax branches and members of the private sector, including a 50 strong delegation from the Cambodia Auto Dealers Association (CADA) led by CADA president Chhun Kim Srun, said a GDT press release.

Soknang said the meeting aimed to emphasise the importance of tax compliance and give the participants a deeper understanding of the tax and registration obligations of car dealers in Cambodia.

He called on CADA to join the government and encourage its members to boost registration and fulfil their tax obligations to ensure transparency and fair business competition.

Sambath also mentioned Article 203 of the tax law, which makes it clear that individuals must register with the tax administration within 15 days of beginning a new economic activity. This also applies to institutions or organisations, and also notes that they have 15 days to notify the GDT of any changes to their business.

“This includes a change of address, trading name, termination of the business, or changes to management or the person in charge of managing tax obligations,” he explained.

He called on all vehicle dealers to make sure they have a clear understanding of the regulations and procedures for tax registration and that they fulfil these obligations promptly, in order to promote a culture of tax payment and compliance.

Ty Sokhon, director of the Department of Small and Medium Taxpayers, requested that CADA provide a list of its members who have already registered with the GDT, in order he department to provide more efficient service.

Sambath said that to date, a total of 518 vehicle sales enterprises have registered with the tax department, and were all fulfilling their obligations.