The Ministry of Commerce will launch the eighth season of the “Buy Cambodia Campaign” with the 16th Cambodian Product, Fruits and Vegetables Exhibition on February 24-27 in Siem Reap town.

The campaign will raise awareness about Cambodian produce with the Khmer public and encourage people to support high quality domestic products.

In a press release, the ministry said that in order to stimulate domestic trade activity and improve it and make Khmer products more popular with the public, the ministry would be sponsoring the eighth season of the campaign along with the 16th fruits and vegetables exhibition next month in Siem Reap.

It said the event is intended to stimulate domestic trade activity, and connect agricultural producers with markets. The event serves as a forum to match producers, distributors and consumers of the products and inspire consumers to support and use domestic products instead of importing them whenever possible.

Keo Mom, the director of Ly Ly Food Industry Co Ltd, said on January 17 that her products have never missed taking part in the campaign each year, and that no matter where the event would be held, her business would always be present.

She added that the campaign contributed significantly to promoting Khmer products because at present her products are exported to customers abroad due to the exposure and help she received from the campaign and exhibition.

“Ly Ly products have been present in Cambodian markets since 2002 and nowadays we have exported our quality products to 13 countries around the world. This is because the quality and the reputation of our products also gets more recognition through this event. So, I want to encourage business owners who process domestic products to join this campaign,” she said.

Bun Sieng, owner of the Natural Agriculture Village shop – a provider of chemical-free food products for vegetable, fruit and rice farming – also said that as a producer of domestic fruits and vegetables, it is very important for her to join the campaign to promote her products for people to know more clearly about how to inspect fruits and vegetables for quality and safety.

She added that the campaign will be an opportunity for the producers to meet with buyers in person. The producers can explain and instruct consumers more clearly as to why their produce is superior in order to increase their faith so that the consumers continue to support Khmer products.