The Cambodia Securities Exchange index is displayed along Monivong Boulevard. Heng Chivoan
Market Capitalisation in the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) reached $534.3 million at the end of the first quarter of this year – up some 21 per cent from the fourth quarter of last year – said a CSX press release on Friday.
The market capitalisation value of the Cambodian stock market in the fourth quarter of last year was $442.92 million, the release shows.
The press release said during the same period the CSX Index rose from 480.98 points in the fourth quarter of last year to 580.21 points at March 29’s close.
It said the share prices of five listed companies also showed positive results in the first quarter of this year compared to last year – PWSA rose by 31.43 per cent, PAS increased 23.8 per cent, PPAP surged 23.7 per cent and GTI rose four per cent, while the price of PPSP remained stable.
The daily average of trading volume in the first quarter of this year reached 67,311 shares per day, which is four times the volume of last year at only 16,229 shares.
The daily average trading value has nearly doubled from about $26,719 a day last year to around $52,816 in the first quarter of this year.
CSX Market Operations Department director Sophanita Kim told The Post on Sunday that CSX activity had shown a series of positive signs in the first quarter, with a sharp increase in the number of transactions and almost all listed firms seeing increased share prices.
“There are currently more local investors interested in trading shares on the CSX, both institutional and individual,” she said.
Sophanita said the trading volume and stock values will continue to increase, and noted a growth of Thai investors trading during the quarter.
The CSX release said in the first quarter of this year, institutional investors and individual investors made up for 47 and 53 per cent of trade volume. Last year, institutional investor trading was more than 77 per cent of total trading value.
An officer at Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone, listed as PPSP on CSX, who asked not to be named, said PPSP has seen many Thai investors buying the company’s shares due to its plans to develop a special economic zone in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet town, which borders Thailand.
“In the past, my company has sold a lot of shares to Thai investors, especially transport services,” she said.
According to office, PPSP may also list on the Stock Exchange of Thailand early next year.