The One Village One Product movement (OVOP) will display 44 unique products of Koh Kong province for the first time, during a two-day exhibition on June 17-18.

The display aims to promote the wide range of produce that is cultivated by the farmers in the province, and will also be a celebration of the birthday of Queen Mother Norodom Munineath Sihanouk, according to On Sothearith, deputy governor of Koh Kong province.

“We are organising the event with the aim of promoting and advertising the products of the farmers and enterprises across the province. As we all know, Koh Kong has a lot of famous agricultural products such as rambutan, mangosteen, and durian. Tourists who come to our province never overlook these products,” Sothearith explained.

He added that the provincial OVOP committee intended to set up 20 booths to display the fruit and other products. Guests would be welcome to try a wide range of free samples, and additional goods would be available for sale.

“We expect that this event will contribute to the generating a wider market for our products, as well as attracting many tourists who will appreciate the opportunity to taste our delicious fruit,” he continued.

Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association president Keo Mom welcomed the upcoming Koh Kong exhibition, noting that the province has a large number of women who own handicraft businesses.

“It will create new markets for many of the provincial products that are unknown in the wider community. I support the idea of all provinces organising similar exhibitions more and more, because it contributes to the promotion of local products,” she said.

The products that are expected to be on display include organic vegetables, free-range poultry, fruit, fish, dried shrimp, Koh Kong fish sauce, coastal honey and sticky rice cakes.

Prime Minister Hun Sen marked the 6th National Day for the Promotion of Consumption of Cambodian Products 2023 in April, calling on all government institutions and stakeholders to support the concept of OVOP movement.