Signatures of Asia aims to export 3.5 tonnes of fresh mangoes per week to the European Union and Canada. Heng Chivoan
Signatures of Asia, a local exporter, plans to begin shipping mangoes to Europe and Canada in the near future.
Before exporting the fruit, the firm needs to find packaging facilities that meet Europe and Canada’s quality standards, Signatures of Asia general manager Chan Pich said.
“We have clients in Europe and Canada that want to buy fresh Cambodian mangoes. They said they want to sell our mangoes in their stores because they taste great,” Pich said.
“We are now looking for advanced packaging plants that comply with European and Canada’s hygiene and quality standards,” he said.
“Cambodian mango tastes great but, unlike Thailand or Vietnam, Cambodia lacks packing facilities,” he said.
The company is aiming to export 3.5 tonnes of fresh mangoes per week to the European Union and Canada.
General Directorate of Agriculture director-general Ngin Chhay in December urged the private sector to set up more facilities to package mangoes.
“I would like to ask firms to invest in packaging plants so that Cambodia can export more mangoes. Our goal is to ship 600,000 tonnes of mangoes abroad every year by 2023,” he said.
According to a report from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, in January and February, Cambodia exported 16, 868 tonnes of fresh mangoes to Thailand, Vietnam, France, Russia, South Korea, and Hong Kong.
As many as 300 tonnes of mangoes are processed every day in the Kingdom for export, the ministry said.
Kirirom Food Product (KFP) Co Ltd sales manager Mao Khunthea told The Post on Tuesday that her company exports dry mango to China, Europe, Australia, and Thailand.
“We sell the mango at about 800 riel per kilogram,” she said, noting that her company uses about 50 tonnes of mangoes every day.
Last year, Cambodia exported 58,162 tonnes of fresh mangoes to six markets – Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, France, Russia and Hong Kong.
There are more than 100,000ha of mango farms in the country. Kampong Speu, Battambang, Kampot and Banteay Meanchey provinces are known for having the best mango in Cambodia.