Shanghai-based Join.In Hospitality Management (JHM) has revealed plans to expand its Tonino Lamborghini Hotel & Resort – a luxury hotel chain – by opening a hotel in Siem Reap, its first outside China.

In a press release, JHM announced earlier this week that it has entered an agreement with Hong Kong-based property investment firm Shimao International Development to construct the hotel.

Quoting Chief Operating Officer Roberto Simone, it said the development of the property in Cambodia a first for the Chinese company.

“The development in the historical Cambodian city of Siem Reap is the first step in our expansion beyond the borders of China,” he said.

No details on the total cost of the project or the timeline were given.

Roughly 1.2 million Chinese tourists visited Cambodia last year – up 46 percent from 2016. Chinese make up 21 percent of all international visitors.

Ho Vandy, secretary-general of the Cambodia National Tourism Alliance, said on Wednesday that a luxury hotel chain like Tonino Lamborghini Hotels & Resorts would contribute to improving Cambodia’s image as a tourist destination.

“It will help to promote our potential and attract more foreign tourists,” he said.