The 2023 Women Run 10K – organized in collaboration with the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and Sovannaphum Life Assurance Plc – is to be held on March 8.
H.E. Vath Chamroeun, secretary-general of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC), announced at a press conference that the run will start in front of Wat Botumvotey Park at 5:30 am on March 8.
There is also a 4km fun run for the public to enjoy with family and friends as part of the event being held on International Women's Day.
“In 2020, the NOCC successfully organized the first Women Run 10K together with Sovannaphum Life, with more than 2,000 runners, both local and international, participating in the event”. H.E. Vath Chamroeun said, “We are pleased to again be able to work with Sovannaphum Life in holding the event this year after being unable to organize it for the past two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.”
H.E. Vath Chamroeun encouraged people to take part in the 2023 Women Run 10K to promote equality and empower women to take part in social activities. At the press conference at NOCC headquarters, he also urged Cambodian athletes to train hard in preparation for the upcoming 32nd Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, which begin in May.
Mr.Loke Kah Meng, CEO of Sovannaphum Life Assurance said the leading life insurance company with financial strength and trust was proud to support the event as well as promote gender equality.

“We are excited this year to be able to again work with the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia in organizing the Women Run 10K in Phnom Penh, which will have the theme 'Women in Leadership',” Mr.Loke Kah Meng, CEO of Sovannaphum Life said.
“Sovannaphum Life, as the main sponsor of the event, is proud to support and promote equal opportunities in Cambodian society, where women and men can become equally successful in their careers and maximize their full potential.”
Sovannaphum Life will contribute 4,000 riels per registered participant to fund its corporate social responsibility activities with the Women Entrepreneurs Act NGO and Lady Saving Group (LSG).
Sovannaphum Life will collaborate with LSG on sustainable approaches to its social activities from the contributions from the Women Run 10K.
The majority of the funds will be provided to five woman entrepreneurs through LSG with interest-free micro-business loans to support their enterprises.Another part will go to supporting LSG's training activities and seminars program on entrepreneur leadership to engage and support young women entrepreneurs to help grow their micro businesses and enhance living standards locally in the community.
As part of promoting the special day, Sovannaphum Life is also offering registered Women Run 10K runners special discounts of up to 20 percent on one of its most trusted products – SMILE Life Solutions. This offer is valid from now until 31 March, 2023.