Outgoing US ambassador W Patrick Murphy met Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Dith Tina on January 09, 2023. AGRICULTURE
Outgoing US ambassador W Patrick Murphy said three Cambodian agricultural products – mangoes, cashew nuts and pepper – are of high quality and delectable taste, and could garner strong support from buyers in the US.
Murphy singled out the three items for praise as he met Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Dith Tina, who encouraged more direct investment from US investors into Cambodia, according to ministry spokeswoman Im Rachna.
Rachna told The Post on January 10 that Tina and Murphy met the previous day to discuss agricultural cooperation between the two countries.
At the meeting, Murphy mentioned certain Cambodian agricultural products that he believed are likely to win the hearts of buyers in the US: Mangoes, cashew nuts and Kampot pepper.
“According to the ambassador, these products are of high quality and delicious, and if they entered the US market they would receive support and be popular with buyers in the US,” she said.
In response, Tina encouraged direct investment from US businesses in the agricultural sector, saying they can come to inspect Cambodian agricultural produce directly to determine which products have high potential to gain market share in the US and then export them directly.
“The minister reckons that exports through this method are better and can guarantee a higher rate of success than Cambodian investors trying to bring local agricultural products to the US market,” Rachna said.
She said the ambassador welcomed Tina's suggestion.
“[Tina] understands that agriculture is connected to culture. Only the US itself knows what its people like to eat and drink. So if its investors are the ones who come to explore the market, they will know which Cambodian agricultural products could enter its market," she added.
In a January 10 social media post, Tina said that at the meeting with Murphy, he welcomed US-Cambodia cooperation on agriculture through programmes of the US Department of Agriculture and the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
He noted that the programmes have been implemented in close collaboration with Cambodia’s General Department of Agriculture; Fisheries Administration; General Department of Animal Health and Production; and the Royal University of Agriculture.
“Through this constructive and frank dialogue, I hope that the relationship between Cambodia and the US, especially in the agricultural sector, will continue smoothly and reach new heights in the future,” the post announced.