Yuthanan Panphrom, the restaurant owner, recounted the incident to the press, explaining that four Chinese men orchestrated the scheme on Saturday evening. The first three arrived at the restaurant around 7.30pm, followed by a fourth man who joined them 30 minutes later in a white car. The group enjoyed their meal until 8.27pm before making their escape.
The restaurant staff presented the bill for 1,082 baht, but the group crumpled it up and dropped it under the table while the staff were occupied, he explained. Despite being reminded to settle their payment, the men reassured the staff that they would pay later—only to flee the restaurant moments later in their vehicle.

While Yuthanan has encountered customers who mistakenly leave without paying, they usually reach out after seeing the restaurant’s social media posts. However, he pointed out that this group showed no intention of paying.

Yuthanan said as similar cases have been reported by other restaurant owners in the area. He urged fellow business operators to remain cautious when dealing with Chinese customers, emphasising that while many are honest, some take advantage of local establishments.

He confirmed that he will file a complaint with the police to take legal action against the gang.
Asia News Network/The Nation