National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS)
Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in Local Governance through Civic Engagement (STA) Project
Request for Expression of Interest
For the post: Consultant to Conduct Governance Survey
Ref: ----------------------
(Consultant Service: QBS)
1. The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) is an inter-ministerial committee that has key roles to assist the Royal Government of Cambodia to lead, coordinate, formulate and implement the policies related to decentralization and deconcentration (D&D) reform or so called as Sub-National Democratic Development Reforms. Within the framework of D&D reforms, so far, the NCDD has been leading and coordinating the implementation of the 10-Year National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development Phase 2 (PN-2) after the National Program for the Sub-National Democratic Development Phase I has been successes fully completed the implementation by the end of 2020. The Objective of the NP-SNDD phase II (NP2) is that by 2030 structures and systems of sub-national governance are modern, autonomous, effective, transparent, and accountable in their provision of public services and local development. They will respond to the prioritized needs of the people in their jurisdiction in an equitable and inclusive manner. Each type of SNA will have adequate power and capacity to carry out their functions under the oversight of their councils to strengthen accountability to citizens. Within the framework for the assessment of objectives and goal of NP II, it requires to identify two main strategic indices: Governance Index and the service sector index.
2. With the support of the UNDP project “Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in Local Governance through Civic Engagement”, funded by the Government of Japan, the NCDD Secretariat plans to conduct a governance survey to identify these strategic indices as baseline data to measure the level of success in the implementation of the NP II.
3. NCDDS now invites eligible Consulting Services (Consulting Firm or Research Institution) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants should provide following information:
- Being in response to the Terms of Reference and specifying the methods for implementation of work;
- Describing information of the company: Type of company, advantages, experiences, specific works of the company, management capacity and technical capacity;
- Showing name of institutions or units whom they used to provide these kinds of services And attach with following documents:
- Certificate of Incorporation;
- Copy of valid patent; and
- In case of joint venture, shall attach Agreement of Joint Venture with signatures of all parties.
4. The Consultants are allowed to participate in the competing process and will be selected in accordance with the Quality-Based Selection (QBS) method set forth in the NCDD’s Operations Policies and Procedures Manual (OPP).
5. Further information can be obtained at the address below during the Office Hours from 8:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 17:00 Hours, Monday to Friday except Public Holidays.
6. The qualifications and duties of post are set in the detail ToR for the consultancy is available from the NCDD Website: https://ncdd.gov.kh/citizen-category/jobs-procurement-kh/
7. Expressions of Interest must be delivered both in hard copy and electronic with clearly indicate the assignment title and reference number to the address below no later than, March 05, 2024 (before 5:00 pm, local time).
8. NCDDS, Room # 731, 7th Floor, Ministry of Interior (MOI)’s compound, Norodom Boulevard, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Attention: Mrs. Thaung Arunnavy, Chief of Procurement Office.
Email: [email protected] HP: 012 326 699 and copy to
Email: [email protected] HP: 012 872 958