The film “Return to Seoul” by Cambodian-French filmmaker Davy Chou has won the 15th Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) for Best Director. The win marks the first ever by a Cambodian, according to an APSA press statement.
“The first win for a Cambodian filmmaker, Cambodian/French filmmaker Davy Chou has won the APSA for Best Director for Return to Seoul (France, Belgium, Germany, Cambodia, Qatar), the only film to take home two awards at this year’s event,” said the statement.
French-Korean newcomer Park Ji-min also won an award, for Best New Performer for her debut role in Return to Seoul.
Davy Chou and Park Ji-min accepted their awards virtually and thanked the whole international team behind the film.
The awards were announced at a Gala Ceremony on Australia’s Gold Coast on the evening of November 11, with nominees in attendance for first time since 2019.
The statement said APSA celebrates cinematic storytelling that best reflects its cultural origins, from a diverse region encompassing half the world’s film, 78 countries and areas. In 2022, films from 17 Asia Pacific countries and areas won awards. Joining Cambodia as first-time winners were Jordan, Armenia, and Pakistan.