Hailing from the remote reaches of Ratanakkiri province, home to the Jarai ethnic minority, Romeam Blen stands as a beacon of resilience and ambition. Amid his humble roots, this 23-year-old’s pursuit of knowledge has led him from his village to the bustling capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, and beyond, to international shores.

Born into a community bereft of eminent role models, Blen chose a path less treaded by his kinfolk. With a goal to secure gainful employment, assist his family, uplift his community and ultimately, embody an epitome of success to inspire Cambodian society at large, Blem chose education.

Currently a student of international relations at the University of Cambodia (UC), Blen envisages his coursework equipping him with the requisite expertise, research experience and analytical acumen to materialise his aspirations. His academic journey has not only fortified his knowledge base but has opened the door to global opportunities.

“My studies have allowed me to traverse international borders. I’ve attended the Paris Peace Forum, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative [YSEALI] in the US, and have participated in short courses in Malaysia,” Blen enthused.

“In these cities, I interacted with global peers, gaining insights and honing new skills. I’m eager to impart these experiences to other Cambodian youths,” the ebullient young scholar noted.

However, Blen’s voyage to academia wasn’t without hardships.

“When I first arrived in Phnom Penh in 2021, finding a school was an uphill battle. I grappled with a lack of finances and intense competition. Providing for myself and securing accommodation posed further challenges,” he said.

Blen elucidated that the issues he faced in the capital mirrored the struggles of youths in his hometown. The dearth of comprehensive internet knowledge and limited social media exposure hindered local students from accessing crucial information and opportunities, culminating in school dropouts.

“In Cambodia’s remote regions, parental expectations are usually limited due to basic literacy. The potential advantages of university education are often unappreciated,” Blen explained.

He also highlighted that he was the sole individual from his village to pursue university studies and travel overseas.

Despite these hurdles, Blen remains hopeful. His dream is to be an example for his community and to inspire the younger generation to step out of their comfort zones and strive for greatness.