​What’s new with the N9? | Phnom Penh Post

What’s new with the N9?


Publication date
25 April 2012 | 10:08 ICT

Reporter : Samphoasphalyka Sok

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Whether you’re living in the city or the provinces, technology is rapidly developing day-to-day. And if there’s one way to stay in touch with a changing world, it’s through your mobile phone.

One of Nokia’s latest handheld products is the N9, a mobile phone with internet capability and 1 GHz of memory – putting it on par with a sturdy laptop.

“The N9 lets the user enjoy fast-speed internet access with a SIM card through a good server,” said Meth So Malis, an information representative and cashier at Nokia Centre.

Internet-junkies will be satisfied with the N9’s social networking capabilities, as it comes fully loaded with Facebook and Twitter applications.

“The product is designed to target young Cambodians between age 18 to their late twenties, because we know that younger consumers are more likely to connect themselves to the internet and with social networking,” Malis explained. “That why we created the N9.”

“We can’t compare [the N9] to other brands because it has different functions,” he said.

The N9 can be found at most mobile phone vendors and at Nokia retailers.

While one version of the N9 is 16 GB and sells at US$460, the other is 64 GB and sells at $485.

According to Nokia’s official press release, N9 users can easily type in Khmer Unicode with a unique Khmer-language keyboard: KhmerMeego.

“The idea of creating the KhmerMeego application is to let the users be able to read Cambodian news online and ... to interact with each other through commenting in Khmer on Facebook, SMS, or e-mail” the press released stated.

Jerry Manus, General Manager of Nokia Cambodia and Laos, said, “For the ease of the user, they can also send pictures from phone to phone without opening the bluethooth function. They can just put the phones back to back, and the picture will send. They can also connect to speakers by just putting the back of the phone to the back of the speaker.”

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