​Who is your favourite singer? | Phnom Penh Post

Who is your favourite singer?


Publication date
29 January 2013 | 07:43 ICT

Reporter : Rosaline Dareth

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Nit Nithika, 20, a law student at the Royal University of Law and Economy

“I love listening to Pen Ran’s old songs. She is my favourite singer. Her songs are meaningful. The songs that I like the most are Mea Ta Oun Porng and Reatry Nov Pailin. I can also sing them.

Every night, I always listen to her songs after studying. This helps me fall asleep. I have noticed that many old songs are still very good and perfectly in tune for a modern audience’s taste.” 

Heng Engly, 20, a third-year student at the Institut de Technologie du Cambodge

“Nico is one of my favourite stars because he sings so well and has a great persona on stage. Every time I listen to his music, I always want to sing along. Besides Kom Jol Mneak Nis Ban Te’s songs, there are other tunes I like such as Pakdesaeth Ke Tov and Srolanh Ke Te Min Jong Batborng Oun. His style is fancy and modern, but when he dresses in uniform he looks amazing!” 

Dav Leakpheakdey, 24, working at Gordon & Associates

Sin Sisamut is the singer I admire the most. Every time I listen to him I am able to relax. The sound and his vivid descriptions make his music unique. My friend and I love his music and we sometimes sit and sing along together. I believe in every single line of his lyrics. 

Phon Viasna, 20, IT student at the Royal University of Phnom Penh

“In 2000, Linda, by Nop Bayarith, was my favourite song. Since then Nop Bayarith has become my model singer. He is talented and his tunes are meaningful. He’s also good on stage. I always listen to his songs in my free time, at lunch break or even as I work on my assignments. Sometimes, I play guitar and sing along. I love his songs Reatry Bat Oun and Songsa Leng Leng.” 

Im Malyneth, 17, a freshman at the Institute of Foreign Languages

“Aok Sokunkanha is my favourite singer. I have listened to her songs since her time in a U2 production. From then on, her song in Raksmey Hang Meas production has become more and more popular. She can sing both modern tunes and old songs. My mother also likes her. My favourite songs are Yuttithor Somrap Kmean Te Neak Smos, Mean Bot Jom Reang Na Ouy Bong Nirk Oun and Mun Bong Som Oun Bek, Oun Som Bong Bek Mun. She is a friendly person; when I ran into her, I remember she looked at me and smiled back.”

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