In a significant development, top-level officials from Cambodia and the Czech Republic held the Second Session of Bilateral Consultations on June 15, solidifying their commitment to bolster their countries' bilateral ties.

The meeting, hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, involved Chem Widhya, Secretary of State for Cambodia, and Jiří Kozák, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Czech Republic.

In a press statement released on the day of the meeting, the foreign ministries celebrated the traditionally strong bonds of friendship and thriving cooperation between both nations.

"They have expressed their firm commitment to further enhancing across-the-board mutually beneficial cooperation," the statement highlighted.

Widhya, extended his gratitude to the Czech government and its people for their continuous development aid to Cambodia, especially post-liberation from Pol Pot's genocidal regime. He emphasised that such support has made substantial contributions to the welfare and progression of Cambodia.

Jiří Kozák applauded Cambodia's accelerating economy, its successful leadership of ASEAN in 2022, and its effective handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“He also stressed that the political stability and dynamic economic growth of Cambodia within the ASEAN region have encouraged more Czech investors to come to Cambodia," the ministry announced.

The officials also examined current cooperation initiatives, discussed ways to elevate their bilateral ties from development cooperation to a robust partnership, and marked priority sectors like healthcare and education. Other agenda points included trade, investment, culture, tourism, air transport, renewable energy, science, technology, agriculture, and rural development.

An agreement was also made to encourage relevant actors to work together, establish suitable legal instruments, and hold regular investment and business forums in both nations to boost private sector participation. The Ministry confirmed that the Third Session of Bilateral Consultations will be held in the Czech Republic.