Senior officials from the national assemblies (NA) of Cambodia and China have reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing cooperation and solidifying the friendship between the two nations. The pledge aims to build a strategically sound, trustworthy and enduring community of common destiny, following the directives of both countries’ leaders.

Cambodian NA president Khuon Sudary held discussions with Lou Qinjian, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), during a November 6 meeting at NA headquarters in Phnom Penh.

Sudary said the objective of the meeting was to strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, according to an NA press release.

She referenced the historical groundwork laid by the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk, which led to a robust and comprehensive strategic partnership.

She expressed gratitude towards China for its support in the country’s development projects, including infrastructure such as bridges, roads, expressways and airports. She noted that these projects have significantly contributed to the country’s growth and the betterment of its people’s lives.

Sudary praised the bilateral relationship, highlighting China’s economic might and population size in contrast to Cambodia’s smaller demographic. She praised the honest, trusting and respectful nature of the friendship, which has upheld the sovereignty and independence of both nations and brought mutual benefits.

“The Cambodia-China friendship has set an example. China, an economic powerhouse with a population exceeding 1.4 billion, has forged an alliance with Cambodia, which has a population of about 17 million. Our friendship is founded on honesty, trust and mutual respect,” she said.

“We have upheld each other’s sovereignty and independence, a friendship that has yielded benefits for both nations and their peoples,” she added.

She expressed a desire to see advancements in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), focusing on its quality and integrity to boost cooperation across various sectors.

Lou said his visit was intended to fortify the legislative and executive ties between the two countries, in line with agreements between Prime Minister Hun Manet, Chinese President Xi Jinping and NPC Standing Committee chairman Zhao Leji.

Suos Yara, chairman of the NA Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Propaganda and Information, also engaged in discussions with Lou aimed at deepening the countries’ cooperation and relationship.

Lou is leading a Chinese delegation on a four-day visit to the Kingdom, which commenced on November 5. The visit included a November 7 meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Sok Chenda Sophea and a scheduled visit to the iconic UNESCO Heritage Site Angkor Wat in Siem Reap province.