The Ministry of Interior has granted the Candlelight Party’s (CP) request for a meeting with its representative to discuss their party’s registration.

Permission was granted in a September 19 letter issued by Phat Sophanit, chief of the ministry cabinet, and addressed to acting CP president Sok Hach.

“I would like to inform the acting party president that the ministry has agreed to meet with five party representatives on September 21 at the ministry,” said the letter.

Sophanit explained that the ministry officials who are responsible for political parties will attend the meeting, presenting an opportunity for the CP to convey their concerns.

Although the ministry has consented to meet with them, CP spokesperson Kimsour Phirith expessed his low expectations, as their preference was to meet with interior minister Sar Sokha.

The CP was unable to register with the National Election Committee (NEC) for the 2023 general election, due to their failure to provide a certified registration letter to the NEC.