The National Election Committee (NEC). Heng Chivoan
The National Election Committee (NEC) announced that it received 51,950 candidacy applications from 16 political parties for the fifth mandate commune council elections scheduled for June 5 – on just the first day of the March 4-6 registration period.
The NEC noted in a statement that 14,229 of these, or 27.39 per cent, were for female candidates. There are a total of 1,652 communes and 24 provinces in Cambodia.
The ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) accounted for 51.91 per cent of all candidates, at 26,967 (of which 6,949, or 25.77 per cent, were women), in 1,627 communes in the capital and all provinces – all but 25 communes.
The Candlelight Party registered 14,272 candidates (3,090 women; 21.65 per cent) in 989 communes in the capital and all provinces.
The Khmer National United Party (KNUP) put forward 2,971 candidates (1,218 women; 41.00 per cent) in 204 communes in the capital and 21 provinces – all but three provinces.
The National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia (FUNCINPEC) Party named 2,942 candidates (1,000 women; 33.99 per cent) in 212 communes in the capital and 19 provinces.
The Grassroots Democratic Party (GDP) tabled 279 candidates (89 women; 31.90 per cent) in 17 communes in the capital and 10 provinces.