Prime Minister Hun Manet commends the vital role of women in leadership, underscoring the potential for a safer, more beautiful and kinder world with increased female representation in leadership roles. He reaffirmed the government’s commitment to advancing gender equality and prioritising the rights of women and girls in its policy agenda.

Manet made the remarks during the assembly of the Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS (FAPW), a regional body of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), in Siem Reap province. The event, themed “Imagine the Possibilities”, drew participation from over 150 individuals representing more than 10 countries.

“I believe that a world led by more women will not only be safer but also more beautiful and compassionate. The Cambodian government has placed a strong emphasis on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all our policies,” he said.

“In the initial phase of our Pentagonal Strategy, we aim to foster good citizenship in a nation characterised by high civilisation, morality, equity and inclusivity, with women at its core,” he said.

He also commended the hosting of this event, scheduled to span three days until November 7, as a historic occasion not only for the Kingdom’s women scouts but also for the entire Asia Pacific region. Granting the nation the privilege to host this global event serves as a testament to the progress of this association within the country, made possible by Cambodia’s environment of peace, stability and unity.

Manet also applauded both local and international scouts for their dedication to promoting and empowering women and girls.

“I firmly believe that the governments of all nations will also recognise and endorse the vision and principles of women scouts … I call upon all governments and stakeholders to unite with the women scout movement to ensure the success of this invaluable mission,” he declared.

His wife Pich Chanmony, who serves as general commissioner of The Girl Guides Association of Cambodia (GGAC), stated during the assembly that as of 2023, Cambodia boasts 239 women as members of the GGAC, with Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk serving as Gold Supporter.

“The women scout movement is a non-governmental initiative that embraces inclusivity, transcending affiliations, social status, race and colour. It operates as a voluntary association where members join willingly, with no impact on their studies, even for those who are students,” she explained.

The Friends of Asia Pacific was established in 1999, with Juseon Byun of South Korea serving as president and Queen Azizah Iskander of Pahang, Malaysia, as its patron.

Chanmony also conveyed her confidence and satisfaction at being selected to host this event.

“Choosing Cambodia as the host of the 7th FAPW was not accidental; it resulted from a thorough analysis of the growth in WAGGGS membership across Asia and the Pacific,” she said.

Byun commended Manet and the seventh-mandate government for warmly hosting this assembly.

“Your participation demonstrates your support for our women scouts and inspires us to fulfil our mission for women and girls in the region. We express our gratitude to Cambodia for hosting this event with a warm welcome,” she stated.

Cambodia is set to host the 39th WAGGGS Conference in 2026.