Authorities in some provinces have announced the provision of free accommodation for students from remote areas who are taking this year’s high school Baccalaureate exams. MoEYS
Authorities in some provinces have announced the provision of free accommodation for students from remote areas who are taking this year’s high school Baccalaureate exams. The examinations are being held on October 6 and 7.
Koh Kong provincial governor Mithona Phouthong explained in an October 2 announcement that free accommodation will be provided to students, as well as their parents and guardians.
“The provincial authorities have prepared accommodation for students and guardians from various districts in the province for free. The accommodation is located at the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) branch office in Village 1 of Khemarak Phoumin town’s Smach Meanchey commune,” she said.
Long Bonareth, deputy provincial governor of Kampong Speu, explained on October 3 that the provincial authorities would also provide accommodation and food to needy students.
“We could not afford to rent a guesthouse for them, but we have arranged places at the Department of Water Resources – which has a multi-room building – and school buildings and pagodas. Whether they are staying in a school or a pagoda, we will make it easy for them,” she said.
She added that the CRC youth, the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (UYFC), and police officers have arranged to facilitate traffic flow and safeguard the bicycles or motorcycles of those who are taking the exams.
Men Kong, spokesman for the Stung Treng provincial administration, said the authorities have worked with the education department to allow impoverished students participate in the examinations, by renting a guesthouse for them in the provincial town.
Provincial authorities have also instructed the school principals of all high schools to provide refresher courses for students right up until the day of the exams. They are also responsible for safeguarding candidates’ modes of transport while they take the tests.
“We have arranged accommodation, and cram courses will be provided. Their bicycles and motorbikes will be safe while they sit the exams. In addition, we will provide food – or a food allowance – to candidates from impoverished households,” added Kong.
The education ministry plans to announce the exam results on November 29.