Vegetables for sale at Phnom Penh's market. The Agriculture Ministry has soft-launched a mobile app that connects farmers with potential buyers and gives them access to critical market information. Heng Chivoan
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has soft-launched a mobile app that connects farmers with potential buyers and gives them access to critical market information.
The ministry’s Agriculture Marketing Office chief Meach Yady said the ‘CamAgriMarket’ app gives farmers a platform to showcase their products to millions of potential buyers across the country.
“The idea was to create a platform that allows farmers to advertise their products and that makes it easier for buyers to find what they need,” he said, adding that it has been designed to be easy to use.
The development of the app was supported by South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Yady said. It will be fully-launched in March 2021.
Cambodia Pig Farmers Association director Srun Poav said the app will be particularly useful for vegetable farmers and livestock raisers, who will enjoy instant access to information like the average selling price of a commodity and its demand.
“Many farmers find it difficult to reach new buyers and access critical market information and I believe this app will help them,” he said.
Soeun Saing Ty, a tomato farmer in Kampong Speu province, said he will give the app a try.
“There are not many people buying tomatoes around here now, so some of my production is going to waste. I think this app could help me,” he said.
Cambodian Centre for Study and Development in Agriculture executive director Thong Chantheang warned that the app may not be for everyone.
“I think it will help the farmers, but I am afraid that for some, it will be hard to use as many do not have a smartphone or even internet,” she said.