The election campaign for the presidency of the 15th mandate (2024-2026) of the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia (BAKC) will commence Saturday, September 14.
The polling will take place on October 16, with five candidates running for the position, including one woman.
The race for the presidency and the 11th mandate (2024-2027) of the association’s council members will run one month, from September 14 to midnight on October 14, according to a BAKC announcement. The notice informed both candidates and its 2,800 members of the election procedures.
“No campaigning activities are allowed during the 24 hours preceding the election and on the election day itself, except for the general assembly day when candidates for the BAKC presidency are permitted to present their views in front of the assembly for five minutes each, as invited by the chairman of the election committee in order according to the ballot number," the announcement read.
Materials and activities related to the campaign are regulated by Decision No. 609, issued on August 22.
According to the document, prohibited activities include attacking any candidate or lawyer’s professional or personal life through images, drawings, letters, speeches, gestures or any other means. Additionally, mass transportation of voters to polling stations on election day, wearing or displaying materials with candidate logos and distributing campaign materials both during the 24 hours before the election and during the general assembly are also banned.
Other restrictions include instructing supporters to tear down other candidates' posters, encouraging violence against candidates, offering money or materials in exchange for votes and threatening or intimidating individuals or groups to influence their support, according to the decision.
Current BAKC president Ly Chantola confirmed on Thursday, September 12, that there are 90 candidates running for the council, but only 33 will be elected.
"The BAKC has experience organising 14 presidential and 10 council elections, for a total of 24. So we are experienced in ensuring transparency and fairness, and we are confident that this election will run smoothly, with active participation from all BAKC members," he said.