Banteay Meanchey provincial governor Um Reatrey inspects the conditions of the dry-season rice in Chamnoam commune of Mongkol Borei district on December 3. BANTEAY MEANCHEY ADMINISTRATION
An estimated 5,000 households, who were provided with 500 tonnes of rice seed varieties post-flooding, have now reached over 90 per cent of their planned cultivation.
All planting will be completed in the next week, as the floodwater recedes, said Pang Vannaseth, director of the provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
He added that after Prime Minister Hun Sen and officials distributed the seeds, specialists had instructed the farmers about the correct techniques to employ to guarantee higher rice yields and reduce costs.
Provincial governor Um Reatrey inspected the conditions of the dry-season rice on December 3 in Chamnoam commune of Mongkol Borei district.
According to the provincial administration, the governor was pleased with the efforts of the farmers, and the way they were using all possible means to cultivate their land.
Certain areas still retain some floodwater, while others are almost dry, he added.
The government and the farmers were cooperating well together on rice cultivation, he concluded.