Ke Kim Yan, chairman of the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD), instructed all forces in Banteay Meanchey province to maintain national defence, and ensure peace, political stability and a good relationship with neighbouring Thailand.

“You must all work to prevent any action that could lead to political instability and must be totally focussed on protecting the nation, religion and the King,” he said during an April 17 meeting with provincial forces.

He shared his pride at the honest, courageous and responsible actions of all of the assembled members of the law enforcement and military forces, noting that they had made great contributions to the strengthening of national defence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“All of you should continue to defend the national interests and protect the King and head of government. You should all be active participants in the government’s anti-drug campaign plans,” he said.

From April 13 to 16, the NACD – in cooperation with the Siem Reap and Banteay Meanchey provincial committees for drug control, People Communication and Support Association, and LOLC (Cambodia) Plc, along with other members of the private sector – took part in an education campaign which sought to make the public aware of the dangers of illegal drugs.

The activities, which took place during Khmer New Year celebrations, were part of the government’s 8th campaign strategy to combat drug offences.

NACD’s Legislation, Education and Rehabilitation Department deputy director Yin Yoeut said youths, law enforcement officers and foreign visitors were particularly responsive to the campaign.

He said brochures and pamphlets were distributed and experts were on hand to answer people’s questions.

“The knowledge that people gained will serve as ‘self-defence capital’ and help them to avoid falling into the trap of drug addiction,” he concluded.