Kambol district police have sent two brothers to Phnom Penh Municipal Court on March 8 after they were arrested in Lech Wat village, Kambol commune in Phnom Penh’s Kambol district for using an air gun to shoot and kill a 14-year-old boy on March 6.
Police Chief Hang Mony said on March 7 that the brothers were identified as Dut Sokuntheara and Dut Sokun Ravan. The victim is a 14-year-old boy Saroeun Buntha, studying in 8th grade at Bek Chan Secondary School and living in the relief non-governmental organisation Hope Cambodia. The two suspects were sent to court on March 8.
“The authorities have completed questioning the two suspects, and will send both the case file and the suspects to court. It is for the court to decide what the charge will be,” he said.
Police chief Phin Pheap said on March 7 that according to a witness, at around 5:30 pm on March 6, a car was seen driving then it stopped near a field. Two men were seen getting out the car with one holding an air gun.
He added that while the suspects were hunting, four boys were playing in the field, about 100 meters away from the suspects. One of boys went to urinate in the forest, and two other boys sat on the hill. The victim was standing when a bullet hit him under his left eye. He died at the scene.
After the incident, locals reported the incident to Kambol district police. Authorities went to the scene immediately. They saw the victim lying dead on the ground, bleeding profusely. Police detained two suspects for questioning at the police station.
The two suspects said that they used air rifles to shoot animals there.