The National Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction (NAP-DRR) 2024-2028 was officially launched on Monday, September 2, to continue efforts in addressing disaster-related challenges.

The formal announcement and launch were presided over by Kun Kim, first vice-president of the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), representing NCDM chairman Prime Minister Hun Manet.

Kim stated that the plan continues the vision of building resilient and safe communities for sustainable national development.

He said it aims to reduce the loss of lives and economic and infrastructure destruction, while also raising awareness about community resilience through coordination and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders under each strategic priority and objective.

“The Royal Government of Cambodia has developed this national action plan as part of its ongoing efforts to address disasters caused by natural hazards such as floods, storms, droughts, fires, building collapses and other impacts from climate change,” he said.

Kim noted that the action plan is formulated every five years, coinciding with the government's term of office.

He said it also aligns with the National Development Strategy under the Rectangular Strategy Phase IV and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which was adopted at the third UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan on March 18, 2015, with former Prime Minister Hun Sen in attendance.

According to the NCDM, the plan outlines four strategic goals and 18 priority programmes for implementation from 2024 to 2028.

The committee stated that all relevant stakeholders – including ministries, government institutions, the public and private sectors, development partners, civil society, communities, families and the general public – are required to act in a coordinated manner.

It added that they must focus on fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in reducing disaster risks and building resilience according to their specific contexts and capacities.

During the announcement, Kim also called on all ministries, government institutions, development partners, the private sector, civil society and NGOs to continue providing active cooperation in implementing the activities outlined in the plan.

The event was also attended by representatives from the World Bank, the World Food Programme (WFP) in Cambodia and leaders from relevant ministries and institutions.

Claire Connan, representative and country director of WFP Cambodia and co-chair of the Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF), stated at the gathering that they reaffirm their commitment to implementing the action plan towards building a safer, more resilient nation in the face of increasing climate-related challenges and natural disasters.

She said the launch marks a significant milestone in the journey towards effective disaster risk management. She added that the plan is not merely a document; it reflects a collective vision to protect our communities, safeguard our resources and ensure sustainable development for future generations.

“The impacts of disasters can be devastating, affecting lives, livelihoods and infrastructure. Each year, we witness the growing frequency and severity of extreme weather events. This underscores the urgent need for proactive measures, a strong framework and coordinated action to mitigate risks and enhance our preparedness and response capabilities,” she emphasised.

"Disasters do not discriminate,” she added, noting that they impact individuals, families and communities from all walks of life.

“Each disaster we face reinforces the importance of preparedness, response and recovery strategies that are inclusive and clearly defined,” she stressed.