Officials in Battambang province and their counterparts in Sa Kaeo province across the border in Thailand on Friday agreed to open the new Phnom Dev international border checkpoint on May 18. Photo supplied
Cambodia and Thailand plan to officially open a new international border checkpoint in mid-May, an official confirmed on Sunday.
Keo Bunthoeun, deputy border police chief at Unit 817, said officials agreed to inaugurate the Phnom Dev International Border Checkpoint, which connects Battambang province and Thailand’s Sa Kaeo province, on May 18.
Ngin Linazano, director of the Phnom Dev immigration office, said the border checkpoint building has been completed and is just awaiting the installation of equipment to monitor the flow of tourists.
“We expect that the upgrade of the Phnom Dev border checkpoint to an international border checkpoint will bring development for people and the governments of both countries since it will enable larger and wider commercial flow,” he said.
The existing checkpoint currently allows Cambodian and Thai nationals to cross for the purposes of work and trade.