The Consumer Protection, Competition and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CCF) is continuing its educational visits to schools across the country, aiming to give students the skills they need to make healthy choices.

According to the CCF, from August 11-14, branch officials in Takeo, Stung Treng and Mondulkiri provinces met with 1,400 students.

Also in Phnom Penh on August 14, CCF officials held a training session on food safety laws and related regulations for students, teachers and traders at Wat Koh High School. They distributed more than 100 posters on food safety to the participants so they could share what they had learned with others. The posters will be posted throughout the school.

“This outreach programme contributes to raising students’ awareness of their legal rights, and how to determine what food is safe to consume,” said the CCF.

CCF chief Phan Oun told The Post on August 15 that thanks to several years of outreach programmes, students have become more aware of food safety and are joining the movement to protect the wellbeing of all.

He added that the CCF will continue to raise awareness among students and teachers throughout the Kingdom.

“Eating unsafe food can seriously affect the health, wellbeing and economic interests of the public, as well as society as a whole. The CCF calls on all businesses to pay close attention to their products,” he added.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport recently issued a new policy which bans the sale of certain foods in educational institutions across the country. The list includes expired and unlabelled food, alcohol and tobacco products, sugary drinks, coffee, confectionary and sweet baked goods such as doughnuts.

In the first six months of 2023, the CCF conducted classes for 17,998 students across the country.