As landmine and explosive remnants of war continue to pose a threat to lives of the public, the Cambodian Mine Action Authority (CMAA) maintains its ongoing public awareness campaign to educate people across the Kingdom, especially in areas where the risk remains high.

The latest activity was carried out in Khlaing Kandal village in Trapaing Prey commune of Oddar Meanchey province’s Anlong Veng district on August 3.

CMAA officials, in the presence of the authorities first vice-president Ly Thuch and provincial authorities, erected educational banners and posters at Hun Sen Trapaing Prey Secondary School, which called on local people to remain mindful of the dangers posed by landmines and other unexploded ordnance. Also in attendance were deminers from HALO Trust, The National Centre for Peacekeeping Forces (NPMEC), students and local residents.

CMAA officials reported that in the first half of the year, landmines and UXOs had caused 21 casualties, a decrease of 19 compared to the same period of last year, when 40 casualties were recorded.

Thuch urged concerted efforts to resolve the issue, and encouraged a rapid and effective response from deminers and other authorities whenever suspected landmines or UXOs are reported by local people.

He warned people against taking the risk of walking into unfamiliar areas, especially for the purpose of cultivation, collecting forestry produce, or travelling through. They should never touch or play with landmines, cluster bombs or any kinds of UXOs.

Thuch also called on local authorities to increase educational measures to ensure that the members of their communities were aware of the dangers and knew how to avoid them.