The Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) signed an August 9 cooperation agreement on “The Project for Humanitarian Demining in Cambodia”. A grant of $2.1 million was provided to CMAC for mine clearance.

The project will last for 16 months, ending in August next year, according to a CMAC social media post on August 11.

The agreement was signed by CMAC director-general Heng Ratana and Rune Kristian Dale-Andresen, country director of NPA, at CMAC headquarters in Phnom Penh.

According to CMAC, the grant is supported by the German government. Through this grant, CMAC plans to free over 1,600ha of landmine contaminated areas in the north-west of Cambodia. The land targeted spans Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey and Preah Vihear provinces.

“This assistance is in line with the government’s goal of a mine-free Cambodia by 2025. The project will also provide support for mine risk education and assistance to mine victims, as well as training,” CMAC said.