The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has issued a forecast predicting that dry season weather this year would be more favourable than last year, with rainstorms and lighting strikes anticipated to happen more frequently from this month, especially in low-lying areas and coastal provinces.

Minister Lim Kean Hor said in a press release on January 19 that Cambodia is currently experiencing irregular variations of winds and sea temperatures as part of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.

“International and regional evaluations of Pacific Ocean temperatures near the equator reveal that during the dry season and early in the rainy season this year, temperatures in Cambodia will be favourable because we will experience a 50 per cent effect of the La Nina cooling cycle,” he said.

Kean Hor explained that early dry season temperatures this year might be moderate, similar to last year. In February, minimum temperatures are expected to be 16-19 degrees Celsius in the lowland plains, 13-16C in the highlands and 19-22C in coastal areas.

From March to April, temperatures will increase with projected maximums of 34-37C in central low-lying provinces, 33-36C in the plateaus and mountains and 30-33C along the coast. Through the month of May, highs could potentially reach 39C.

“The amount of rainfall could be higher than the annual average as forecasts predict increased precipitation through March and April, accompanied by thunder and lightning storms,” he said.

The rainy season is expected to arrive in the first week of May with rainfall anticipated to be medium to high compared to historical norms.