Health Minister Mam Bun Heng conducts an inspection of the innovative web-based hospital operating management system, Peth Yoeung, at Preah Ang Duong Hospital in Phnom Penh on Thursday. LONG KIMMARITA
The Ministry of Health formally launched the Kingdom’s first digital hospital service, using the new Peth Yoeung system, on Thursday at Preah Ang Duong Hospital in Phnom Penh following a successful one-month trial.
Peth Yoeung, an innovative web-based hospital operating management system for the digital age, was developed by First Womentech Asia (FWTA) to help modernise hospitals and clinics.
The system streamlines the hospital workflows, ranging from patient management, health records and appointments to pharmacy and stock management and finances.
The next step will be to implement the service at the capital’s Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, before the technology is rolled out across the country.
Speaking at an inspection of the system at Preah Ang Duong Hospital on Thursday, Minister of Health Mam Bun Heng said: “This is the just first location. Because the hospital already had electronic technology, the installation of the system here was easier than it will be elsewhere.
“We will implement it at the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital and then expand into the provinces.”
Bun Heng said the ministry would submit a proposal to the government for the allocation of state budget across the country.
“Prior to putting the system into operation, hospital staff need to be trained in how to use the technology to the same standards across all hospitals."
“In order to make it easier for patients, we will process their records by asking them to bring a health card, no matter which hospital they go to. This way, when they come for another check-up, we will have patients’ records readily available,” Bung Heng said.
FWTA founder and executive director Pong Limsan said the new system could organise the operation of an entire hospital, from electronic medical records (EMR) to dispensing medicine, treatment service packages and health examination reports.
It could also manage the appointment of doctors, health insurance, account cash flows and human resources.
Limsan said prior to its implementation at Preah Ang Duong Hospital, almost 100 private hospitals had already been trialling the system.
“I want all hospitals to follow Preah Ang Duong’s example. The system is ready for all hospitals to implement across the country and at all levels,” she said.
Preah Ang Duong Hospital director Lou Ly Kheang said the digital management system would handle patients’ data more rapidly and efficiently.
He said that during the one-month trial, the hospital had treated thousands of patients and provided some 2,000 health cards.
“The system shares information between all departments. We are able to keep track of patients’ records whether treatment involved the nose, throat, ears, eyes or gynaecology."
“It makes everything easier, not just actual medical treatment but also administration and finance, and the management of technology,” Ly Kheang said.