Fire destroyed two garment factories in Meanchey district on Saturday, leaving employees out of work for the foreseeable future and investigators combing the site for clues to its cause.

Municipal fire department director Prom Yorn said it began at about 5:30pm at the Morica Industry Co Ltd and 8 Star Sportswear Ltd factories.

He said firefighters brought the blaze under control by 11pm. Nobody was injured in the incident.

“The factories contained a lot of clothes and items vulnerable to fire, so the blaze and smoke were strong, especially the toxic fumes from the clothes and other objects, which gave our firefighters a headache. But the fire did not injure any garment worker or staff,” he said.

Yorn said experts are still investigating the case to determine the cause of the inferno. He said the amount of damage has not yet been estimated. Water from 45 fire trucks was used to put out the blaze.

Morica Industry administrative manager Tong Lib said he did not know what caused the fire because it happened after the workers left the factory.

The fire began at about 5:30pm at Morica Industry Co Ltd and 8 Star Sportswear Ltd factories in Meanchey district. Fresh News

“We don’t know the total losses yet, but a warehouse of clothes and machines was completely razed in addition to an electrical generator room,” Lib said.

He said the amount of destruction means he will not be able to meet demand from his buyers in Japan and his employees will be out of work for some time.

“However, we hope that the workers and important buyers will understand this,” he said.

8 Star Sportswear Ltd administrative manager Mar Huy Meng said the fire started at Morica Industry and spread to his factory.

“I was not there when the fire occurred, but our security guards said the fire spread from Morica Industry Co Ltd that’s close to our factory,” he said.

He expressed hope that investigators will find the cause of the fire and how it started so he can determine who is responsible for the loss of property at his factory.