Helping your child choose the right university can be an overwhelming task for a caring parent.
There are many things to consider, such as the quality of education, safety on campus, location and cost.
But above all, you want to be confident your child will graduate with the skills to secure a good job.
And when it comes to graduate employability, the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) offers distinct advantages.
Here are just five:
1. Leading the way in practice-based education
Internships, work placement, real-life simulations and many other types of practice-based, real-world learnings are an essential part of UTS courses.
These experiences will help your child stand out to employers and thrive in tomorrow’s workplace.
2. Forging strong industry connections
With close ties to more than 1,000 industry partners, UTS can help your child connect with influential companies like Atlassian and Microsoft.
Course content reflects the real world of work with valuable input from industry partners.
That’s one of the ways UTS has earned Sydney’s top ranking for industry focus.
3. Nurturing tomorrow’s entrepreneurs
When your child studies at UTS, they’re in the centre of Sydney’s largest entrepreneurial district – the home of more than 60 per cent of Australia’s startups.
They’ll also enjoy opportunities to attend workshops hosted by tech leaders and successful entrepreneurs at the new $50 million Tech Central precinct.
4. One-of-a-kind courses
Courses at UTS continually evolve to adapt to the needs of the future, from the Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence to the Bachelor of Sustainability.
Your child will graduate with relevant, job-ready skills in a rapidly changing world of work.
5. Storming ahead in the rankings
UTS has proudly earned a place in the world’s top one per cent of universities.
It’s Australia’s top ranking young university and ranks among the world’s top 100 at 90 in the world.

And when it comes to employability, UTS graduates are at the head of the pack.
With an overall 5-star QS employability rating (2021-2024), UTS is in the top eight per cent for graduate employability worldwide, and fifth in Australia.
What the graduates say
Since completing her studies at UTS, Cambodian graduate Sophearith Keo has enjoyed a successful career.
She says: “My degree was a life-changing experience. I encourage international students to seek out UTS, with its high standard of teaching, and quality professors.
“I not only earned a qualification and a good job, but enjoyed an incredible opportunity to advance my career and experience life in a global, multicultural environment.”
Guarantee your child’s entry to UTS*
Many international students begin their UTS experience with UTS College, the pathway to UTS.
The College offers:
• English language programmes;
• UTS Foundation Studies;
• Diplomas (undergraduate pathways in Business, Communication, Design and Architecture, Engineering, IT, Law, and Science);
• Pre-Masters’ programme with Graduate Certificates in Accounting and Finance, Communication, and Technology Practice.
UTS College also provides extensive personalised support to ensure your child’s success as they adjust to life abroad.
These pathway programmes are guaranteed to get successful students into the UTS degree they want.
In fact, students can often fast-track to second year at UTS on successful completion of a related diploma.
Find out more about UTS today. Download your free parent guide.
* For international students, guaranteed entry to UTS is based on no more than two subject failures.
* AMR RepTrak Survey 2017, https://startupgenome.com/article/tech-entrepreneurship-on-the-rise-in-oceania.
Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2022.
Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023.
QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022.