GDP director Chhem Savuth led a delegation of Phnom Penh prison officials from Prey Sar and Police Judiciare (PJ) to meet the Swiss organisation’s team, led by ICRC programme manager Barnabe Reaud, the department said in a statement. DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF PRISONS
The Ministry of Interior’s General Department of Prisons (GDP) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) met on November 25 to discuss better prison management, with emphasis on Covid-19 control.
The meeting was held at the training centre of Correctional Centre 1 (CC1), or Prey Sar Prison’s men’s section.
GDP director Chhem Savuth led a delegation of Phnom Penh prison officials from Prey Sar and Police Judiciare (PJ) to meet the Swiss organisation’s team, led by ICRC programme manager Barnabe Reaud, the department said in a statement.
The meeting also covered options to relieve prison overcrowding, a draft inter-ministerial prakas on vocational training in the detention centres, and another prakas on the minimum standard of construction for associated facilities.
The two sides also touched on building new prison facilities and expanding infrastructure, flood control planning, setting up a working group to supervise food distribution, and national guidelines on forming health and hygiene committees.
Participants also addressed an upcoming virtual meeting set for next month, organised by the Thailand Institute of Justice and UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).