Transport minister Sun Chanthol and Siem Reap governor Tea Seiha. MPWT
The government is seeking funds to fix 38 roads in Siem Reap and return Cambodia’s tourist capital to its former glory.
Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol said this at a Saturday meeting with Siem Reap provincial governor Tea Seiha.
He said an infrastructure plan is underway to improve the reputation of the nation on the international stage and attract tourists. The road plan will be similar to what the government has done for Preah Sihanouk province.
“It is the high time to study the main plan for road infrastructure in Siem Reap city to become like Preah Sihanouk. Siem Reap is a tourism city that can enhance the nation’s reputation on the international map through foreign visitors,” said Chanthol.
He said the government is finding the budget for the road construction. “Siem Reap is an important multi-economic pillar in Cambodia and economically connected with Battambang province,” he said.
The road project, he said, will span 9,834km in all 12 communes of Siem Reap city and Bakong district.
Seiha called the roads the main networks in Siem Reap city. Better roads, he said, will benefit citizens and tourists and reduce traffic jams and accidents.
The plan will also enhance the beauty of Siem Reap province to bolster its reputation as the historic tourist city of Cambodia.
“Siem Reap is a province of cultural and historical tourism and infrastructure needs to be repaired and renovated. These 38 main roads are the arteries to the heart of the province and boost the economy and tourism,” he said.
Ministry spokesman Heang Sotheayuth said on Sunday that it and Siem Reap provincial administration are discussing the plan and the next step will be a proposal to the government for funding.