ASEAN and the EU launched the start of “EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Week 2023” in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, with an October 15 fun run, walk and cycling event.

EU ambassador to ASEAN Sujiro Seam, deputy secretary-general for the ASEAN socio-cultural community Ekkaphab Phanthavong and ambassador/permanent representative of the Philippines to ASEAN Hjayceelyn Mancenido Quintana all oversaw the official launch ceremony.

Over 300 people, including officials from ASEAN, the EU, youths and people living with disabilities took part in the event by running, walking or cycling along the main thoroughfare of Jalan Sudirman to Gelora Bung Karno.

The event marked the first of several regionwide activities aiming to protect, preserve and restore the environment.

EU delegations across ASEAN will host a series of events to enliven the week, which runs from October 15 to 22.

“The programme is designed to provide a platform for ASEAN youth to engage in green transition activities. It includes interactive discussions on climate change issues, online competitions, workshops on waste segregation, plastic recycling and upcycling, as well as the young climate heroes campaign and biodiversity and wildlife education,” said an October 15 joint press release.

“The EU is committed to supporting our partners in their respective green transitions, including ASEAN. This event shows our commitment to continue working together with ASEAN towards a greener future. It is an opportunity to celebrate the progress we have made, and to encourage individuals, communities and organisations to take stronger action in future – to protect, preserve and restore our environment, for now and for future generations,” said the EU’s Seam.

ASEAN’s Ekkaphab echoed the remarks.

“I am confident that this event will enhance collaboration and encourage the public and youth to step up and take bolder climate action for the betterment of ASEAN and the sustainable planet.

“I would like to invite everyone to take this opportunity to reflect, engage and motivate others to join in climate action to ensure a sustainable and resilient ASEAN community,” he said.

Philippine ambassador Quintana described climate action as one of her priorities in her role as country coordinator for ASEAN-EU dialogue relations. Climate action and environmental sustainability are also central to ASEAN’s priorities.

“Each one of us has the ability to make a significant impact to the environment through our own individual actions and steps, and also by inspiring others to follow suit.

“Cycling, taking public transport and other eco-friendly alternatives are small but concrete steps that each of us can take to reduce air pollution,” she said.

First introduced to the public in 2019 as “Climate Diplomacy Week”, this initiative has become an annual event where EU delegations – and the embassies of EU member states around the world – host events to foster dialogue and cooperation on climate change.

The occasion was re-named “Green Diplomacy Week” this year.

“In Cambodia, the week will be marked with a Mekong River shoreline cleanup and tree planting,” said the press release.

“Organised in conjunction with the EU delegation to Cambodia and the Phnom Penh-based River Ocean Cleanup Organisation, the event will be held on 22 October and is open to the public,” it added.