The Ministry of Health has warned the public against purchasing or using an unregistered version of the IndiRab rabies vaccine.

A ban on the use, distribution or sale of the INDIRABmcf rabies vaccine was announced on October 10, after it was found to not have a registration number from the ministry.

The INDIRAB vaccine distributed by VAC PHARMA Co Ltd has the registration number CAM R, 0376 IV-12 and comes in white and blue packaging, while the unregistered version has a cheap-looking red and white packet featuring a number of errors.

“The ministry would like to inform all citizens not to buy or use the unregistered vaccine because its quality, safety and effectiveness cannot be guaranteed.

“It could be fake and harm the health or even endanger the lives of consumers,” it said.

According to the Law on Pharmaceutical Management, all medicines and products for the prevention or treatment of disease in Cambodia must be registered with the health ministry.

“Before buying any kind of medicine, it is important to check the certificate of registration on the packaging,” said the ministry.

“An authentic certificate has two parts – the upper part with the company name and the lower part with the registration number.”

In addition, the ministry ordered the immediate cessation of the import, distribution and sale of the vaccine, and called for vigilance among the public.

“The ministry will take strict legal action against anyone distributing or selling the unregistered vaccine in accordance with the law in force,” it added.

If a member of the public is aware of anyone distributing or selling the unregistered vaccine, they must immediately inform the ministry’s Department of Drugs, Food, Medical Equipment and Cosmetics.

Meanwhile, the ministry on October 9 announced a ban on the distribution or sale of three other products without registration or identification numbers.

The ministry warned the public of unregistered Saruto, Pariet 20mg and MSLAM Scar Repair Gel products being advertised on a number of social media sites.