Disgraced former senior official Ly Samet, also known as "Kru Mea”, released a tearful apology video today, in which he confessed to using Senate president Hun Sen’s name to defraud people of millions of dollars. SHS
Senate president Hun Sen made it clear that Ly Samet, also known as "Kru Mea”, will not escape accountability for his crimes simply by offering a public apology. The one-time advisor to the former PM is accused of using Hun Sen’s name to defraud people of millions of dollars.
Hun Sen’s statement followed a video which Samet released today. He has been in hiding since the accusations were first levelled against him in early October.
In the clip, he admitted to his wrongdoing. He confessed to misusing Hun Sen's name to deceive others, before requesting time to recuperate before surrendering himself to the authorities.
However, Hun Sen took to social media, sharing the tearful apology and clarifying that: “Samet is not free from prosecution just because of his video confession and apology.”
Hun Sen urged the Kingdom’s law enforcement officers, whether the national or military police, to bring Samet to court for prosecution. He stressed that Samet would not be allowed to seek medical treatment outside of custody before facing legal measures.
“I hope the authorities will not allow Samet to remain outside the reach of the law,” he said.
In October, Hun Sen revealed that Samet had used his name to defraud people by promising to secure them government positions in exchange for financial contributions. The cases he described involved figures as high as $230,000, $300,000 and even $10 million.
He warned that it was possible Samet was involved in many more such cases.
One notable case involved the alleged defrauding of Kan Sokkhay, governor of Lvea Em district in Kandal province, for the amount of $300,000, in exchange for a promotion to governor of Arey Ksat town. Sokkhay was subsequently removed from this position by Prime Minister Hun Manet through an October 8 sub-decree.
Duong Dara, Hun Sen's assistant and former Facebook page administrator, has also been arrested for his alleged involvement in Samet's fraudulent activities.