UNESCO and the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA) have launched the Khmer version of a UNESCO publication entitled Story-based Inquiry: Manual for Investigative Journalists as part of an effort to improve the skills needed to write investigative stories.

This book has been translated into Khmer by CamboJA to make it easier for trainers, editors, journalists, students and others interested in investigative journalism.

The English language version of the book, published by UNESCO in 2009, has been translated into many languages and used as a text in journalism training schools around the world.

CamboJA said in its press invitation that the 200-page Khmer version will provide the basics to conceive, structure, research, compose and publish an investigation.

UNESCO Representative to Cambodia Sardar Umar Alam said at the launch via video conference on August 31 that investigative journalism is an important part of the media, which can explain to the public complex issues in the country, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said UNESCO has always discussed the responsibilities of the media, professional standards and journalistic ethics, and provide journalists with guidance on how to improve their profession. This book will also fill the gaps in Khmer guidebooks and investigative journalism.

Alam believes that the publication of this book in Khmer will greatly assist journalists to write better investigative stories.

CamboJA said journalists in Cambodia continue to face many obstacles when investigating cases that affect public interests as the existing mechanism to protect them remains week.

Its executive director Nop Vy said at the event that the Khmer version is intended to improve the skills of Cambodian journalists to write better investigative stories.

“It is required that the role of investigative journalists be further strengthened to provide factual information or to be transparent in sharing certain information.

“I think some information is shared in a way that causes a misunderstanding in society. If the role of investigative journalists is enhanced, it will make all the information transparent after they have found, verified and explained it,” he said.

Information ministry secretary of state and spokesperson Meas Sophorn said at the event that his ministry has always considered journalists indispensable partners in bringing accurate information from the government to the people and vice-versa.

He said that all parts of the media, including investigative journalism, have contributed to raising awareness as well as promoting citizens’ access to information.

“For the information ministry, professional journalistic practice with accuracy and ethics is an important contribution to the process of developing our society,” said Sophorn.